No one seems to be able to stop talking about Kendrick Lamar this year, and while we are no different from the rest in that regard, we’ve naturally made the effort, as usual, to put together an...
Read on"... As a person, I just really love to dig and dig and dig... I like it when there's a whole series of layers underneath."
Without lyrics, instrumental music often gets confined to the background, serving as an accompanying soundtrack to a movie or television series. Fortunately, despite having songs that were used on the TV adaptation of This American Life, Pale White...
DeVries’ Death To God might be titled like a metalhead’s dream, but nothing can be further from its reality. Beginning with a thirty-second ambient intro track, Death To God then explodes into the immediately engaging “Boys Are...
Upon first listen, it’s not surprising to see how John Vanderslice has achieved acclaim in the indie rock world. He has all necessary ingredients — a soft, sweet voice and well put together instrumentals — of a non-religious Sufjan...