Swedish brother-sister duo, The Knife, have become known for their innovative music and extremely weird live shows. Their recent collaboration with Mt. Sims (DJ Matthew Sims) and PlanningtoRock (Janine Rostron, a Berlin-based musician/performer) is...
Artist Mark Mulroney can be extremely crude, with fluids and body parts galore, but that only serves to add character to his fascinating murals and sketchbook illustrations. This particular series of murals below interests me because of their...
From its opening train hijacking sequence to its creative opening credits, The Good, The Bad, The Weird seemed like a film that would be right up my alley. The first few minutes were so enjoyable that I was quite sure that the goofy, highly stylized...
Upon first listen to Odd Blood, Brooklyn-based band Yeasayer’s sophomore album, those familiar with their debut All Hour Cymbals might scratch their heads and wonder if they are playing a practical joke on the listeners. Their debut was marked...
I came across Portland artist Brenna Murphy‘s work at a recent trip to a local bar called Valentine’s, and her huge, sprawling digital collage immediately struck my fancy. I can’t quite recall any artist that really makes work like...
There is something going on in Motion Turns It On’s album Kaleidoscopic Equinox. There is a lot going on. And sometimes it is almost too much to take in at once. The trio take the idea of the instrumental post-rock genre and put it on the...
Eskimo Snow is an album full of what I would call “unseeming pop songs.” WHY? have managed to craft an album of songs that aren’t particularly graceful or classically poppy, but somehow, it works. A couple lines from this song or...
So I got the new album from Motion Turns It On to review and after giving it one listen, I am hooked on the massively spazzy/jazzy sounds this instrumental-ish band is throwing out there. But, they don’t have a lot of material out there, only...