Backwoods folk music plays quietly as visitors enter The Mistake Room, and they find themselves in the midst of a manufactured landscape. Pathways demarcated by rubber tires lead towards a simple architectural structure, and TV sets are strewn about...
With her latest series, Material Speculation: ISIS, Iran-born art activist and educator Morehshin Allahyahri has been using 3D modeling and 3D printing to create her own reconstructions of artifacts destroyed by ISIS. A thorough research project...
According to Death Play writer and performer Lisa Dring, grief, in its most violent throes, can be so consuming that one who is experiencing it can hardly feel anything at all. Dring would know. Having lost her estranged father, beloved mother, and...
"We spent ten days crossing a thousand nautical miles. It was the first time we have properly been to sea in the open ocean. It was so remote that we wouldn't see another ship or plane for days, and yet, every time we trawled, we found plastic and...
Photography by Claire Finucane We are said to dream on any given night, even if we fail to remember its contents. For the inaugural performances of Arya Davachi’s immersive theatre piece, Rough Sleeper, a woman polls us before we enter the...
"My work is all about shifting from the literal to the lyrical, and it's actually a brain shift from one hemisphere to the other." - Anna Homler, on Breadwoman and performance art
Another year of our favorites in Top Album Cover Artwork, and once again, we interview musicians and artists on the often-underappreciated work that goes into creating a product that not only tickles your ears, but speaks to your eyes and hearts...
"Much of meditation is emptiness and finding so much in the emptiness... Whether it’s minimalism on a visual level – where there’s a lot of empty blank spaces, or minimalism on a narrative level, where the dialogue and the description of the...