You hear it constantly these days: “The rock band is dying; the rock band is dead.” Whether this outlook is simply a jaded gripe, a universal truth, or some combination of both, it behooves a band in the modern age to seek ways to define...
Jax Deluca and Kyle Marler of Flatsitter discovered one another years ago on an Amtrak train, in what one might call an act of divine timing, or a perfect illustration of the “right place, right time” adage. What emerged from this...
"For me, my individual works are those emotions via the music. The exploring, the playing, and the transmission... I transmit what I perceive, and then somebody, the listener, receives that transmission. It feels a bit preposterous to say that, but...
"I think what ended up happening with the film is not so much about us as it is about listening through us. Seeing the landscape through our ears... Our goal was to keep a ‘deep listening’ attitude, so that included anything we met and anyone we...
“Language is the quintessential blueprint that can bridge between the senses. The more I attempt to describe music in visual terms, and the visual in musical terms, the more I’m training toward synesthesia. It’s not an ability that I naturally have...
"Culturally, there is the expectation that when a woman wears certain items of clothing, she is expected to act a certain way. I wanted to wear clothing that made me feel sexy, without the demands of needing to act that way. I could scream and shout...
Music video premiere for Zac Nelson's "Let This Unravel", directed by Jordan Levie, and tracks from Chilean duo The Holydrug Couple's 2015 release, Moonlust.
Platform, the second full-length from San Francisco musician, producer, and conceptual artist Holly Herndon, tackles the many confusing, conflicted layers of modern living, in the form of a poppy, accessible dancefloor sound sculpture.