A narrative feature film co-written and co-directed by Mexican filmmakers Fernanda Valadez and Astrid Rondero, Sujo is a powerful, multidimensional work of art about the forces that keep young...
Read onBased off of writer-director Alika Tengan (Kanaka Maoli)’s 2019 short film of the same name, Moloka’i Bound is an intimate narrative feature film about a man’s return to society, his family, and his community, following his incarceration...
The first time I saw Seattle photographer Eirik Johnson‘s Leviathan series, I was both transfixed and confused. What exactly was I looking at? One piece depicted great swaths of navy blue, striped with light like layers of sediment. Another...
Self-taught experimental musician and interdisciplinary artist, Ruhail Qaisar (Ladakhi), has recently presented Fatima, a haunting debut full-length album released on Aisha Devi’s label imprint, Danse Noire. Paired with a beautiful 48-page...
Interdisciplinary Seattle artist Leah Meridoc Nguyen (they/she) has come to understand their body, mind, and soul as an instrument that — when tuned to the right frequency — has the capacity to heal themselves and others. As a self...
In the directorial debut of their feature film, Borrufa, Portland-based artist, performer, and filmmaker Roland Dahwen presents a quiet portrait of the trials and tribulations faced by immigrant families in the United States. Poetically and...
At the start of The High Sun, Jelena (Tihana Lazovic) and Ivan (Goran Markovic) sunbathe at a lakeshore, playing instruments and wrestling flirtatiously in the sunshine. The unfettered young couple seems like it has no worries in the world —...
In reviews for Kikagaku Moyo’s House in the Tall Grass, some have implied that the Japanese psych folk up-and-comers are simply rehashing old ground. Consider a sentence from Danny Riley of The Quietus, who writes, “The problem comes...