World-renowned photographers Claudia Rogge and Spencer Tunick possess artistic visions large enough to fill city blocks. By orchestrating large-scale installations, they create visual interpretations of order and chaos, comprised not of inanimate...
The collaged work of Nicholas Lockyer and Nick Paliughi caught my eye on the same day. Though their styles are different — with Paliughi’s works a bit more ornate and Lockyer’s a bit more lo-fi — the two embrace similar color...
Animal Collective go Chinese opera face paint and Burning Man desert warriors in this new perfromance art video. Directed by long-time collaborator Danny Perez, this video for “Today’s Supernatural” comes off the collective’s...
Remix City Sifting through mountains of remix trash so you don’t have to, in an attempt to find the ones that contribute to their originals. Today’s installment goes industrial! Einstürzende Neubauten’s Alexander Hacke works his...
After their controversially poppy second album, Odd Blood, Yeasayer returns in 2012 with Fragrant World, which has potential to be equally controversial. Beginning at its highest point with a nostalgic coupling of “Fingers Never Bleed”...
Obscured male and female forms face off in these alternating works from Patty Carroll, obscuring the female form draped with patterns, and Matthew Stone, abstracting the male form with contortion. Regardless of its content, a sense of royalty and...
Liars further the weirdness of their new record, WIXIW, with this insanely bizarre — even for them — music video for “Brats”. Animated by Ian Cheng, this is 3-D animation at some of its most crass; Elmer Fudd (?), Bugs Bunny...
"I truly believe that whatever an individual gets out of a particular piece of art is far greater than anything the artist could have intended." -- Quinn George