"The original concept was that the music video would become almost like an art film. Something powerful, dramatic and theatrical, drawing on my research into psychoanalytical theories revolving around the origins of desire, sexuality and power...
This flickering video for "Toothwheels", a collaboration between múm, Árni Rúnar Hlöðversson and Bruno Granato, visually translates the intent of the record, to "show the juxtoposing of two conflicting meanings, taking advantage of the energy...
At the start of Our Children, a young couple frolicks about, madly in love, over-the-top saccharine, full of wordless smiles and child-like naivete. Soon, an elderly doctor, clearly a father-figure in the young man’s life, appears. He warns...
I am a Man with a St Tropez Tan Just A Ghost Hangman Ho Records In a world where much of the music we come into contact with is homogenized corporate mulch that lacks any discernible human input, those artists who offers us personal and intimate...
Fat White Family Champagne Holocaust Trashmouth RecordsMy first listen of Fat White Family’s debut, Champagne Holocaust, left me thinking of notorious criminal Charles Manson. No sense emerged from this until my thoughts turned to the stark...
"Women's imaginary is inexhaustible, like music, painting, writing: their stream of phantasms is incredible." (sic) -- Hélène Cixous
The music video for “Crescent” is a bizarre piece of work, minimal and almost Lynchian in feel, without much going on save for slow movements and small textural or geometric changes. Directed by Nick Criscuolo, it opens with what look...
AURAL DEVASTATION is a regular column about heavy music. This month, Circle Takes the Square awaken from an eight-year slumber and Sweden’s gothic masters Ghost return from their spectral hideout, plus tracks from KEN Mode, Kvelertak, and Shai...