In Even Hell Has Its Heroes, Clyde Petersen’s feature documentary, the Washington animator and filmmaker opens a mesmerizing, 108-minute portal into the many layers of Earth — the Olympia...
Read onPortland has been changing a lot in the last decade, much to the chagrin of both long-term residents and more freshly minted transplants, who’ve coasted in on the myth of Portland as “the place where people in their 20s go to retire...
To pay proper homage to the musical grandness of 2013 and to usher in the new year 2014, we’ve once again decided to call upon our tastemaker friends to compile their favorite up-and-comers throughout the Pacific Northwest. Here, James Scheall...
A lot of the problem with viewing the universe as being comprised of matter comes with the idea that it’s devoid of conscious experience somehow. More and more, little by little, we’re starting to wake up to the insane limitations of...
This audio-visual collaboration between Portland-based avant-garde metal outfit, The Body, and NYC mixed media artist Alexander Barton has been a long time coming, a homage to an enduring friendship. Combining their mutual shared interest in...
thisquietarmy's Hex Mountains is a black mass, that rends the veil of consensual reality, plunging the listener into a twilight afterlife of elder gods and ancient wisdom. It's good to have post-rock back.
Ghost & Goblin, the macabre-music-making, lo-fi loving, NYC-based team of Nicholas DiMichele and Spencer Synwolt have created SUPERHORRORCASTLELAND, an album filled with noises that go bump in the night -- like fuzzed-out angry electric guitars...
AURAL DEVASTATION is a regular column about heavy rock music. This month, Nails claim the title of most brutal band running at the moment, and Children of God combine sludge and aggressive hardcore into one swampy sound. Plus songs from Akimbo and...