In 2014, Yanomami shaman and activist Davi Kopenawa co-authored The Falling Sky, a landmark work chronicling the Yanomami’s Indigenous worldview and warning of the dire consequences of...
Read onBizhiki‘s debut album, Unbound, released on JagJaguwar, presents a powerful reimagining of contemporary Native music, born from Ojibwe homelands of the present-day Midwest. A multi-genre, multicultural collaboration that spanned across years...
2024 marks the 50th Anniversary of the Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF), which started on May 9. Though SIFF has historically been one of the longest film festivals in the entire country, it has since scaled down the duration of its in...
Over the course of the past three years, Los Angeles-based Russian-American artist, filmmaker, and illustrator Phillip Gladkov has been working on his first mixed media animated short film, Story of the Sun. In what may be the first birch bark...
A multi-platform multimedia project, Future Landscapes approaches climate change in a novel way. At its centerpiece is a documentary short film entitled Invisible Landscapes — which visits sites of energy extraction, agriculture, and...
The 40th Annual Sundance Film Festival takes place from January 18 to 28, with online screenings beginning on the 25th and lasting only three full days. In a record-breaking year, 15,000 short films were submitted to Sundance and only 56 were...
Space Cowrie — interdisciplinary artist Le’Ecia Farmer‘s latest exhibit on display at Seattle’s ARTS at King Street Station — is a portal that transports viewers to a place where the past, present, and future all...
Amidst a swarm of climate doomsday media, Tesla Kawakami (they/them) paints a timeline of stories about earthly beings and their shifting relationships to their planet through drastic and dangerous climate change. Though depicting a range of...