Be scared, oh yes, be scared… or be really, really impressed. This grotesquely dizzying installation by UK-based artist is really made of piles and piles of pigeon feathers, felt, glue, and polystyrene. Looking at it might give you the feeling...
Two months ago, I went to South Korea and went to the National Museum Of Contemporary Art. I was blown away. No one really hears that much about the South Korean art scene, but there are some true big players. Unfortunately, many of them either do...
Just wanted to share with you this really amazing animated short about a man who is struck by a meteorite and then forced to live “91 centimeters away from himself.” Before I watched it, I had no idea what that tagline could possibly...
"We don't want you to only like [our music] because you're supposed to like it or you like it because it's cool. I don't want you to scratch your fucking head. It should be immediate... I think [the new album] just makes our music more effective." ...
Wrinkly old men and women in a primitive yet modern instrumental utopia? Loinclothes, bows and arrows, and BBQ meat central? Fever Ray / The Knife vocalist Karin Dreijer Andersson sings for Röyksopp’s new single, “This Must Be It,”...
Street art pioneer Dan Witz now has a show on display at Carmichael Gallery that might just get you respecting street art if you’re a skeptic. Inspired by Amsterdam’s Red Light District, the works feature human and animal faces and...
“I can’t really explain why it is that I focus my art on such deviant topics, other than maybe that they are such a draw [because they are] the deviancy that appeals as a dark side to our civilized side.”
Noise: a genre that is difficult for the average person to appreciate. However, when one sees its creation firsthand or creates it oneself, noise becomes a type of musical art that takes on its own appeal and meaning. In People Who Do Noise, noise...