Francis Harris Sexual tension creates intrigue in Francis Harris’ video for “Pharoah In The Morning.” Directed by Lisa B, this video pairs perfectly with the minimal and jazzy contributions of Danish singer Gry and trumpet player...
“It’s effectively a bunch of drones, glitches and sound collages, but there’s real variation in there; some amazing textures, tones, rhythms and melodies. Plus a Malian kora/cello duet, a bagpipe solo and an improvisation by a five-year-old elephant...
“I want to confront existence itself; I want to shout into the infinite void.”
The Bumbershoot Festival always throws together one of the more eclectic line-ups in the nation, with a fair combination of “must see”‘s, “I’ve heard about them”‘s, and “who the hell are these...
"I started listening to Ella Fitzgerald and Louie Armstrong and Billie Holiday and I fell in love with it... It's not the stuff that I grew up on because I didn't grow up in America, but I'm glad I got to discover it as an older person, because I...
Listening to this album makes me wonder what it’d be like to accidentally attend kind of a boring party and all of a sudden have some random girl wander up to you and be all like, “Did you know that I’m utterly insane?” and...
Sometimes, just to remind the ears what a lifelong habit of going to concerts will do to them, you have to drag yourself to a semi-local weeknight rock bill. After all, all bands have to get their start somewhere, and for the majority of bands with...
The San Francisco trio, BEEP, is equal parts experimental electronica, free jazz, and jam band — a delectable mishmashing, ragbagging, hodgepodging mingle-mangle of sounds. The band’s latest record, City Of The Future, will tickle the...