Set in contemporary Jordan, Captain Abu Raed is a tale of friendship spreading generations. When Abu Raed, an airport janitor, finds a discarded pilot’s hat in the trash, he wears it and is soon spotted by a neighborhood boy who’s...
School Days With A Pig is a film that begins initially with a delightfully cute premise yet veers into the territory of issues such as morality and death. Teacher Mr. Hoshi, played by Satoshi Tsumabuki, introduces to his class of sixth graders a...
A vacation in Paris inspired Czech artist Miroslav Sasek to create children’s travel guides to big cities around the world. Illustrated in Sasek’s signature watercolor style, these large-format books from the ’60s are a timestamp...
Every year, Matt W. Moore releases a nifty ol’ font to add to your collection. This year’s font, Alphafont 3.0, is available in a colorful display of pattern and type that will remind you of everything from 8-bit videogames to retro...
For those of you who have been paying attention lately, some of the latest greatest accomplishments in the street art world seem to be originating from South America. What better place for 6emeia to be than in Brazil’s largest city, São Paulo...
They say when you’re hurting the deepest, it helps to drown yourself in the things you love. For some it might be in food and drink; for others, in the love of family and friends. But no post-separation binge has ever borne such interesting...
Ian Stevenson’s art serves as a reminder that art is supposed to be fun.
Chalk is the latest release by Morgan Spurlock, so one is immediately pre-disposed to having opinions about it due to the fact that Supersize Me was so controversial. Although entertaining, Chalk is flawed in a most significant way: it comes off as...