Francis Harris Sexual tension creates intrigue in Francis Harris’ video for “Pharoah In The Morning.” Directed by Lisa B, this video pairs perfectly with the minimal and jazzy contributions of Danish singer Gry and trumpet player...
A 23-track mixtape to celebrate two unofficial SXSW showcases taking place the same evening in 2012, designed to facilitate inner and outer harmony through dance rhythms and psyche-altering compositions.
SPECTRAL HYPNOSIS A recurring series, featuring mesmerizing songs for one to lose sense of time and space, mind and body. (blouse)usa Seattle’s (blouse)usa — not to be confused with Portland’s dream poppers (?) Blouse — is...
Hi-definition and hi-contrast color mix with black and white graininess in this new video for High Places’ “The Pull.” Examining naturalistic settings with the help of unnatural manmade light, the video, like the song, is at once...
SPECTRAL HYPNOSIS A recurring series, featuring mesmerizing songs for one to lose sense of time and space, mind and body. Orcas – Orcas Two Pacific Northwest musicians — electronic-minded singer-songwriter Benoit Pioulard and minimal...
SPECTRAL HYPNOSIS A recurring series, featuring mesmerizing songs for one to lose sense of time and space, mind and body. Lucky Dragons The back-and-forth ebb-and-flow found in this track, “Existers,” found in all layers and all...
Welcome to Remix City! A recurring, no-bullshit series of posts that will highlight remixes that are actually worth a damn (as we all know, there are plenty that truly aren’t). Battles To kick it off are two from the almost infallible Battles...
Two Mile Hallow, NY Sunset 7:22pm Sometimes there are images that speak volumes despite their complexity of form, or even of concept. It seems photographer Eric Cahan gets around — and his minimal photographs of the sky, which document sunsets...