Contemporary Icelandic artists have long been exemplary in their extra-sensorial willingness to merge artistic mediums, which are often inspired by the natural beauty around them. Films documenting...
Read onA narrative feature film co-written and co-directed by Mexican filmmakers Fernanda Valadez and Astrid Rondero, Sujo is a powerful, multidimensional work of art about the forces that keep young Mexican boys under the influence of drug cartels – as...
When Sarah, a no-nonsense molecular biologist at Columbia University, receives a call informing her of her mother’s death, her default response is denial. “There must be some sort of mistake,” she says. As the protagonist of Queen...
Early on in North By Current, a documentary by experimental multimedia artist Angelo Madsen Minax, a family of four slides into a retro diner booth four days after a funeral. As the mother tries to make conversation and the adult children stare off...
Early on in Sophie Jones, a feature film written and directed by Jessie Barr, the high school protagonist says to her guidance counselor matter-of-factly, “At least I’ve been coping well. I mean, I haven’t been cutting...
As Dallas musician Nicole Marxen details in the press release for her self-released debut EP, Tether, “I used to think that my life wasn’t worth writing about… I hid behind the characters I created, the haven of the stage, the...
Swathed in the unlikely comfort of warm grey tones, Toronto-based musician Hiroki Tanaka (田中博基) can be seen on the album cover for his debut solo record, Kaigo Kioku Kyoku (介護記憶曲), looking fairly somber in a space accented by Japanese relics and the...
According to Death Play writer and performer Lisa Dring, grief, in its most violent throes, can be so consuming that one who is experiencing it can hardly feel anything at all. Dring would know. Having lost her estranged father, beloved mother, and...