Based off of writer-director Alika Tengan (Kanaka Maoli)’s 2019 short film of the same name, Moloka’i Bound is an intimate narrative feature film about a man’s return to society, his...
Read on2024 marks the 50th Anniversary of the Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF), which started on May 9. Though SIFF has historically been one of the longest film festivals in the entire country, it has since scaled down the duration of its in...
Still on the first leg of her 2024 national tour, Los Angeles-based British musician Arlo Parks took the stage on March 8, to a sold-out show at Showbox SoDo in Seattle. Released in 2023, The Soft Machine may only be the second full-length album by...
Created by Milisuthando Bongela, Milisuthando (2023) is the powerful documentary feature film which bears the Indigenous South African creator’s name. The appropriately hyper-personal work features often heartwrenching and always candid...
When filmmaker Reed Harkness was growing up in 1990s Seattle, he never left the house without his Super 8 camera. He threw himself into making the “Sam Films”: arty, experimental shorts featuring his half-brother, Sam. The two siblings...
Moving Image Preservation of Puget Sound Interview: Saving Magnetic Media from the Race Against Time
When a visitor walks into the office of Seattle’s Moving Image Preservation of Puget Sound (MIPoPS), their eyes immediately take in racks of blocky recording equipment and bundles of multicolored wires. Many of these tape players are...
Swedish director Magnus Gertten‘s stunning documentary Nelly & Nadine (2022) is bookended by a triumphant black-and-white film reel of hundreds of women with fists in the air, kissing each other’s cheeks. In 1945, they arrived in...
In Through the Night, a lovely new documentary by first-time director Loira Limbal, daycare owner Nunu coaxes an anxious young boy to put aside his electronic tablet and be more present with the other kids. With a rueful laugh, she asks...