Directed by Joe Maggio, Starring Dennis Farina United States A couple hours ago–6pm CST to be exact–somebody–an intern, a volunteer, a professional carpet tacker–somebody–rolled out the red carpet to start the 47th...
On a recent trip to New York City, my friend had mentioned that Latin American families seem to bring their children just about everywhere to have a good time. Whether it be in a park at midnight or a used bookstore, it’s more the notion of...
"I started listening to Ella Fitzgerald and Louie Armstrong and Billie Holiday and I fell in love with it... It's not the stuff that I grew up on because I didn't grow up in America, but I'm glad I got to discover it as an older person, because I...
"I [would] just always go to thrift stores and just see these beautiful, beautiful blankets and stuff that were like two bucks... Now, the aesthetic has come into fashion, so it's kind of like, of course people see that stuff and like it – but when...
I enjoy this video to no end, and it alone puts Low up 20,000 points in my book. For starters, IT HAS JOHN STAMOS!!!!!!, looking as fine as ever. The video itself is a throw-back to the days of black and white pictures. A romantic scene takes place...
Sonia Levy’s homegrown video for Young Man (Colin Caulfield)’s “Five” captures the bittersweet blues of childhood that Young Man’s latest EP, Boy, revolve around Crystals grow and dissolve, and magic emerges and fades...
TV On The Radio explore virtual and blurred realities with their new video for “Will Do”. The nostalgic jam incorporates Minority Report-esque technologies and throws on geometric and three-dimensional filters for a video — and...
Listening to Scattered Trees’ latest album, Sympathy, has been a curious experience for me. The same disc, under different settings and different circumstances, has been at times nerve-wracking and at times wonderful.