Stefanie Fiore has a stunning 10-photograph series that captures homes of Italian-Canadian families in their everyday garishness. Decorative wallpapers sandwich ornate furniture, gaudy photographs, and miscellaneous trinkets. Inanimate objects serve...
“I’m ready/ I’m ready for anything you give me,” sings Ortolan’s Stephanie Cottingham on “Anything.” The lyrics of the opening track of Ortolan’s full-length debut, Time On A String, echo the...
One can say, without taking anything away from Beach House and Devotion, that on their latest offering, Teen Dream, Beach House rove deeper. The tracks still shimmer and haunt, but something more tangible is present in the lyrics. From its...
"A lot of the record is about growing apart from the person you love. Time changes people, especially when you fall in love at an early age and you both are still growing and changing." -- Robert Francis
This is the second Arrington de Dionyso disc I’ve been given to review for Redefine, and fortunately for me, the quality seems to be improving. Whereas 2008’s I See Beyond The Black Sun was intriguingly odd, I also found its endlessly...
The same way The Decemberists built their popularity on songs chronicling mothers whoring themselves out, peeping toms, murderous townsfolk; abuse and neglect and all other sorts of cruelty, Among The Oak & Ash have reworked Appalachian murder...
"I think the only time I feel completely comfortable with who I am and with what I have to say is when I'm playing music." -- Tomo Nakayama
Directed by Ivan Noel In Your Absence, or En Tu Ausencia, is a surprising first-time effort by director Iván Noel that emanates beauty in more ways than one. Set in a pristine stretch of Spanish countryside, In Your Absence is filmed amidst a breath...