In Even Hell Has Its Heroes, Clyde Petersen’s feature documentary, the Washington animator and filmmaker opens a mesmerizing, 108-minute portal into the many layers of Earth — the Olympia...
Read onEnsemble Pearl Ensemble Pearl Drag City (2013 February) Comprised of drone merchant Stephen O’Malley (Sunn O)))); psychedelic guitar wizard Michio Kurihara (Ghost/Boris); white-gloved drummer Atsuo, (also Boris); and William Herzog (Jesse...
MADNESS! is a recurring series of audio WTFs and head-twitching, spine-tingling experimental or chaotic fun (k-k+st-s-t+l)icks. Fontanelle Ever-trustworthy metal tastemakers Southern Lord Records are releasing the latest from Portland rock...
In Midday Veil’s new video for “Moon Temple,” vocalist Emily Pothast has edited source material she and guitarist Timm Mason generated last year during a residency at Experimental Television Center in Upstate New York. At its...
Greg Anderson is known for a lot of things in the heavy metal world, especially his part in Goatsnake and Sunn O))). With the introduction of Southern Lord Records and the recent splash the label has been making in snatching up all the best up-and...
"... we live in a rainforest; I imagine that the natural environments have somewhat to do with it."
"Learning to hear differently is part of the progression. Your hearing evolves and the perception [becomes] more musical." -- Stephen O'Malley