Directed by Henrik Ruben Genz Terribly Happy opens with an outrageous narrative the film claims is based off of true events. In a small town, farmers discover that their cows are sinking into the grass fields, because the fields are really part bog...
What happens when New Age themes mix with surrealism and whimsy? Inka Essenhigh‘s work! This New York artist has exhibited her oil paintings throughout the United States and Europe, and she now has an exhibit on display at 303 Gallery in New...
TONIGHT, Andy Haynes has his first show of 2010. He will be showing his works at the The Hive Gallery in Culver City, California. It will be a multimedia event featuring live bands and performances, and will run from 8:00pm to 1:00am. Make it out if...
From now until September 5th, the Distinction Gallery in Escondido, California has an extremely exciting group show that shows off what our world might look like if the mystical was paired with the scientific. Floating objects defying gravity...
"I feel like more people are discovering [comic books] and realizing that it's a medium where you can pretty much do anything. There's no limit."
Elena Kalis takes photos that look like snapshots into one’s dreams. She has three separate portfolios on her site — a black and white Impressions Gallery, a sparsely colored African-Carribean Gallery, and a hyper-colored Underwater...
Now on display at Cherry Street Cafe (the 1212 1st Ave. location) are the tripped out works of artist David Stevenson. The above piece is entitled Battles, and it turns what might be a Seattle cityscape into a living, breathing organism. The...
About a year ago, I was working for a start-up in an old building in Seattle’s SoDo District. It was complete with rickity floorboards and unusual decorations crafted from salvaged parts. The overwhelming scent could’ve been described as...