With people like Lady Gaga cornying up the music scene with Madonna rip-off tracks — and with everyone else getting more dancey all the time — I’m glad Yelle is back, with a back-to-back double video for “Safari Disco Club” and “Que Veux-Tu.”
To continue with the comparison to Lady Gaga (I can’t help it; I just saw her video for her new song, “Born This Way,” this morning… YOU can see it here), these Yelle videos aren’t going down the path of trite, stereotypically powerful imagery. No black-and-white contrast, mock high-fashion rows of dancing human bodies here. No well-dressed folks masquerading around in Dia De Los Muertos facepaint for no particular reason. No hilarious science fiction narrations which end and are never referenced to again. Boring, boring, boring. And no to prancing around in lingerie, which fits in with none of the aforementioned things.
Yes to Yelle. Yes to wriggling bodies, androgyny, strange faux-safari fashion, and furious stomp-while-clawing dance moves!!!