"When I left school, there were three things I wanted to do before I die. Work for the BBC, work for myself doing the job I love, and record and release an album. Until December last year, I'd settled for two out of three. Now, it is with a deep...
"For us, music is about exploration. We may start down a traveled path, but our real objective is to discover what is beyond. We're no retro-fetishists, but it seems like the future used to be more boundless and inspired." - Marc Melzer, Bassist &...
“We read a lot of books on meditation – a lot of books on magic, numerology, astropsychology; quantum physics… and one thing that we always find is that the visuals are always really cheesy... so we feel that we have this duty to create this space...
Hidden beneath the gargantuan, State-driven China that is emphasized over-and-over again in news coverage lies an artistic day-to-day that few people see. As in any developing country, China has become a breeding ground for new and often innovative...
"It was my career that facilitated me traveling more and starting to experience different things in my mind, [so] that I kind of realized that the trajectory I was on was not the one that I wanted to be on. I kind of did a 180 and had to get really...
"I can say that for Rabia and I, our profound experiences and insights have stemmed from very real oppression and deliverance. Drugs were the initial escape. Music has been the true deliverer. I definitely reject any religion that aims to divide...
"You can for sure say that the context directs the music in a certain direction. Songs written on guitars come out different than songs written on pianos. A ghost town is quiet and a perfect place to make recordings. It is a brilliant setting for...
"Today We're Believers is our way of trying to capture the moment on the first day of spring when the snow has freshly melted and everything comes alive. No matter where you are and no matter what you had to endure to get to this point, everything...