"The original concept was that the music video would become almost like an art film. Something powerful, dramatic and theatrical, drawing on my research into psychoanalytical theories revolving around the origins of desire, sexuality and power...
This flickering video for "Toothwheels", a collaboration between múm, Árni Rúnar Hlöðversson and Bruno Granato, visually translates the intent of the record, to "show the juxtoposing of two conflicting meanings, taking advantage of the energy...
"I am a devotee of letting nocturnal dreams / daydreams guide you when looking for inspiration. I am most interested in those moments where intuition is free. The dreamed image of the Japanese girl dressed in a kimono and walking along the edge of a...
We’ve raved before about the visual work of San Francisco graphic designer and ambient electronic musician Tycho, aka Scott Hansen — but how exciting that similarly-styled graphic designer and director Charles Bergquist has now been...
"I think as we get older, that idea of magic is just taken from us. There's just less of it and less of it... I really try to just kind of dabble in things that feel magical." -- Steve Ellison of Flying Lotus
As a true multimedia art installation, Jerusalem In My Heart are a sight to behold in a live setting, and also represent a modern update on traditional Arabic music and songwriting, with additional multicultural counterpoints.
"I see a lot of similarities between fascinating engineering and fascinating art. Both have to do with craftsmanship; both have to do with finding a simple solution for a complex problem. And it has to do with elegance and needs inspiration." ...
In this bi-lingual Japanese and English interview, Jon Barthmus of Sun Airway and Takayuki Nakazawa, art director and designer for Japanese art collective NAM, offer their perspectives on designing an album cover together.