The 39th Annual Sundance Film Festival 2023 returns virtually and in-person, with events taking place from January 19 to 29. REDEFINE presents a shortlist of feature films worthy of mention, due to...
Read on"Much of meditation is emptiness and finding so much in the emptiness... Whether it’s minimalism on a visual level – where there’s a lot of empty blank spaces, or minimalism on a narrative level, where the dialogue and the description of the...
"It’s kind of fun to have this open-ended series… It’s really just the psychological triggers that you do with yourself. No one is actually imposing restrictions or boundaries on you, but at times, you feel like you have a place, a repository to fit...
"Through the chaos, there's a thread."
"... I'm trying not to turn my back on... the origin of exploration and discovery that I had when I was a little kid. If you turn your back on that, then you're done... you've lost the thing that started it all, that made it beautiful, that made...
I’m going to preface this post by saying that I am deeply afraid of zombies. We all have our irrational fears, and mine happen to include being cold, the texture of chalk, and above all else, zombies. So when I say that I absolutely love Nick...
Visual-audio synthesis is one of my favorite things these days, and this video by Andreas Hykade blows through a diverse musical universe and links them all together with vaguely human and cartoon forms. Colors and pacing change the overall tone of...
Neill Cameron illustrates and alliterates his way from A to Z with his series, The A-Z Of Awesomeness. All of them feature zaniness and popular comic book or pop culture references. A couple of my favorites are below; please visit his website to see...