Over the course of sixteen eye-popping minutes, the music video for “Self Help,” a recently released track by Portland electronic musician Avola, takes viewers on a tripped out textural journey through a 3D-animated multiverse. Animated...
As Dallas musician Nicole Marxen details in the press release for her self-released debut EP, Tether, “I used to think that my life wasn’t worth writing about… I hid behind the characters I created, the haven of the stage, the...
With his latest music video for “Black Hole,” musician and filmmaker Augustin Adjanohoun, aka Kirab’o, unifies space, nature, humanity, and technology in a dance-ready universe. Utilizing a bevy of editing and motion graphics...
With the COVID-19 pandemic has come many emotions, not least of which is grief. Grief in the sense of loneliness, loss, and confusion; grief in the sense of isolation. In her stop-motion music video for “Anhedonia,” Brooklyn-based artist Cressa Beer...
From 1960 to 1971, the FBI's Counterintelligence Program (COINTELPRO), collected files on more than 250 African American writers, artists, politicians, and activists who they perceived as domestic threats. Among the non-consensual participants of...
Emerging from Grand Soleil‘s aptly titled 2021 album, Human Error, the music video for “Round Round Round” uses raises ecological consciousness through a dreamy sci-fi frame. The music video is a work of art which personifies the...
In the music video for “All the Unknown” from instrumental Turkish-German and Swiss duo Grandbrothers, the band’s long-time collaborator Manfred Borsch captures the track’s delightfully melodramatic moods through one...
Photograph by Abe Mora Lightswitch, the six-track EP from New Zealand-based Persian rapper, CHAII, draws upon her visual art background and comes paired with six highly-stylized music videos that span continents. Including a three-part series shot...