Autumn, how wonderful you are. Leaves are falling; fog is forming. It’s a wonderful time for reflection, don’t you think? In the spirit of fall, I present to you this recap of Decibel Festival 2015. But rather that splurge on all of the...
"What's interesting is that in this video, there's the obvious strength of Rob holding Lorely. And that's a feat to be recognised, as an average guy probably couldn't hold somebody like that for long. However, what's not recognised is the strength...
Devastation Melody opens with a striking sequence. Dressed fairly androgynously in dark-colored linens, Lucy Yim recalls a Chinese railroad worker — an image made all the stronger as she slowly uses rope to pull nine cinderblocks towards her...
When listening to so much post-rave, R&B-indebted bass music, one can’t help but detect a certain critical distance. It’s like they can’t get the power and force of the gravel landslide sub-bass and jerking, jittering trap...
September is my favorite month in the NW for two reasons: optional sweater weather and Decibel Festival. The value of the first should be self-evident to anyone who enjoys being comfortable and the second, well, that just so happens to be the topic...
In a world where our gadgets and devices open us up to an endless stream of novel sounds from around the globe and throughout history, it makes sense that there is sometimes more love and attachment for the machines than the people that made the...
FYF Fest 2015 can certainly thank its lucky stars that it fell on the weekend of August 22nd rather than the weekend prior, when the temperature in Los Angeles was near the sweltering 100s. Its highs in the mid-80s offered an enjoyable backdrop to...
"The most important victory was getting everyone on the same wavelengths as well as in the same head space to be able to achieve this video. Everyone understood that this was a higher calling that would impact the world in a big way... It was...