When filmmaker Reed Harkness was growing up in 1990s Seattle, he never left the house without his Super 8 camera. He threw himself into making the “Sam Films”: arty, experimental shorts featuring his half-brother, Sam. The two siblings...
Amidst a swarm of climate doomsday media, Tesla Kawakami (they/them) paints a timeline of stories about earthly beings and their shifting relationships to their planet through drastic and dangerous climate change. Though depicting a range of...
Perpetually curious about the nebulous experiences of being human, interdisciplinary artist Jaleesa Johnston uses her art practice to investigate the complexities of Black femininity, as it exists within social consciousness and physical forms. Not...
Self-taught experimental musician and interdisciplinary artist, Ruhail Qaisar (Ladakhi), has recently presented Fatima, a haunting debut full-length album released on Aisha Devi’s label imprint, Danse Noire. Paired with a beautiful 48-page...
The 39th Annual Sundance Film Festival 2023 returns virtually and in-person, with events taking place from January 19 to 29. REDEFINE presents a shortlist of feature films worthy of mention, due to the importance of their subject matter, their...
When Sarah, a no-nonsense molecular biologist at Columbia University, receives a call informing her of her mother’s death, her default response is denial. “There must be some sort of mistake,” she says. As the protagonist of Queen...
Drawing upon a musical practice that is deeply rooted in her sense of embodiment and spiritual understanding of the world, Japanese vocal musician Hatis Noit ハチスノイト uses voice as her primary instrument. Her latest record, Aura, was released in...
When documentary filmmaker Tzewoon Chan began making his genre-bending film Blue Island 憂鬱之島 (2022) in 2017, Hong Kong was between social movements. Coming out of a previous project, Yellowing (2016), which explored the explosive 2014 pro-democracy...