In the cinematic music video for “Wine,” Canadian Chinese singer Carson Cheng — also known as KICCC (pronounced “kick”) — emerges from hot ashes like a phoenix and finds himself face-to-face with a white wolf in the woods. The dramatic result of a...
Thirty years ago (July 12, 1990, to be exact), Northern Exposure premiered on network television. The six-season series depicts life in a fictional small town called Cicely in the wilds of Alaska. It does not shy away from the spiritual nor the...
For Seattle-based Black artist Zahyr Lauren -- also known as the artist L.Haz, or more concisely, Z -- discovering their personal connection to art came as an unexpected blessing. It was 2015 when the shift began; they were living in New York...
"The human body is a beautiful thing and it should be commonplace. We all have one. They all look simultaneously similar and different. There should be no shame around it." - Johnny What, Director & Band Member of BRÅVES
In contrast to modern patterns in music consumption comes our annual Album Covers of the Year feature, where, instead of forgetting album artwork even exists, we hyperextend ourselves to assert that it is an artform that is vitally connected to the...
The presence of a certain amount of retro sensibility on Film's Eclipse is indisputable, in fact embraced, but its initially high level of surface visibility only draws attention from the sum of their process for so long. The Vangelis synths and...
"If you're basing your career on likes and plays and how many hits a particular video has, it's really impersonal. But when it's that grassroots thing, you get so much more mileage out of looking someone in the eye and having them tell you, 'Wow...
There has always been a divide between the daytime and the night — a war between Saturday night and the Sunday morning penitents. Since the beginning of time, people have gathered in caves and juke joints and space stations to dance and dream...