Portland International Film Festival (PIFF) is upon us again, and we have whittled down their list of 100+ international shorts and full-length films to pick what we have determined to be the best and most interesting of the bunch. Portland...
"Charting the development of themes in linear time... is, in fact, a very idiosyncratic and Western way of looking at music. But if you take a longer, wider look at the history of humans making music, you find strong traditions all over the world of...
"A lot of my songwriting comes from a desire to open myself up to nature and the universe, experiences with love, my subconscious, childhood memories, imagination and various cocktails of each." -- Christopher Lynch
The Turin Horse isn't an interpretation of Nietzsche so much as a meditation on those impositions against which Nietzsche railed--order, morality, indoctrination, humanity removed from its animality.
"I try not to think at all. If I pre-think anything, it's usually bad."
"My goal is to use my emotional connection to the metaphysical imagery of Christianity to heighten my ability to articulate the psychological truth of my everyday life."