Surfer Blood are a weird anomaly: they hail from West Palm Beach, FL, home of Jewish grandparents and all things octogenarian, yet they make refreshingly current indie-rock. The first single from Astro Coast, “Swim,” has been all over...
Just sharing some jolly good locally-grown experimental psych-pop with you, courtesy of Big Spider’s Back and director Karla Santos. The video for “Warped” captures psychedelic pop in its essence, really, with radiant colors...
Holy crap, this is lo-fi! The self-titled release from the trio Okie Dokie sounds like it was recorded in a human-sized garbage disposal unit. Somehow, that description is doing the sound quality a favor as well. This EP is a short-as-hell blast of...
Sure, Canada gave the world Broken Social Scene, but analogously speaking, Canada may be to the crowd of Crystal Castles fans what the last decade of Sub Pop releases is to modern hipsterdom. Although both seemed to harbor the potential to redefine...
The Australian band Firekites are reminiscent of Kings of Convenience, and maybe Elliott Smith, though without the infective pop sensibilities. In short, they make the kind of music to get you through a Sunday afternoon, but without the risk of...
Superficially, Aluminum Babe seems to be a DIY-driven, fierce frontwoman-powered electro outfit making music suitable for garages and house parties. In theory, they seem to be the type of band that has a well-honed demographic and probably fills a...
Phil Elverum of ex-Microphone’s fame is one of those artists who has garnered enough legitimate respect throughout his music-making career that when he says something rather off the wall — such as how the decidedly not-black metal...
With their homemade press kit, Forks and Knives seem like a band with DIY roots right off the bat. But unlike many bands that throw together a press kit, write a personal note, and call that enough, Forks and Knives manage to come off as...