INHERITANCE: a complex word that encompasses a vast array of associations, feelings, memories, thoughts, cultures, and ways of being in the world. With his debut self-titled record of the same name, released on AKP Recordings, Palestinian-American...
In the half-hour experimental documentary, What Shall We Do With These Buildings? (2022), two men dance atop giant pink squares, climbing on and hanging from them like monkey bars. Viewers may be surprised to learn that these squares are attached to...
With 28,900 butts in seats for 33 feature films and 25 shorts, the 20th edition of True/False celebrated independent non-fiction filmmaking from March 2th to 5th, 2023, in Columbia, Missouri. Some of our can’t-miss film picks are as follows;...
Self-taught experimental musician and interdisciplinary artist, Ruhail Qaisar (Ladakhi), has recently presented Fatima, a haunting debut full-length album released on Aisha Devi’s label imprint, Danse Noire. Paired with a beautiful 48-page...
Khu.éex’ (pronounced koo-eek; “potlatch” in Tlingit) is a 10-piece intergenerational band whose musical style is fluid, with improvisational prowess that allows them to span genres as wide-ranging as funk and hip-hop to jazz and...
A project unlike any other, Changer: A Hand Telling, is a shapeshifter which has taken on many forms. First conceptualized by Native artists Fern Naomi Renville (Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate) and Roger Fernandes (Lower Elwha S’Klallam, Makah) as a...
Terence Nance and I leapfrog through time and space. Numerous missed connections and mutual schedule misalignments occur until — two weeks later — we finally manage to get on the phone to speak about Nance’s new record, V O R T E X...
When Sarah, a no-nonsense molecular biologist at Columbia University, receives a call informing her of her mother’s death, her default response is denial. “There must be some sort of mistake,” she says. As the protagonist of Queen...