Over the course of the past three years, Los Angeles-based Russian-American artist, filmmaker, and illustrator Phillip Gladkov has been working on his first mixed media animated short film, Story of...
Read onKhu.éex’ (pronounced koo-eek; “potlatch” in Tlingit) is a 10-piece intergenerational band whose musical style is fluid, with improvisational prowess that allows them to span genres as wide-ranging as funk and hip-hop to jazz and...
A project unlike any other, Changer: A Hand Telling, is a shapeshifter which has taken on many forms. First conceptualized by Native artists Fern Naomi Renville (Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate) and Roger Fernandes (Lower Elwha S’Klallam, Makah) as a...
We’ve finally made it to the bitter end of 2020, and believe it or not, human beings are still making amazing art in the midst of crisis and a pandemic. After a five-year hiatus, our Album Covers of the Year feature is back with a deep dive of...
Thirty years ago (July 12, 1990, to be exact), Northern Exposure premiered on network television. The six-season series depicts life in a fictional small town called Cicely in the wilds of Alaska. It does not shy away from the spiritual nor the...
Thousands of years ago, the ancient Greeks would pilgrimage to Eleusis, in Attica, to watch a reenactment of the abduction of Persephone by Hades into the Underworld. These rites, known as the Eleusinian Mysteries, offered the ancient Greeks a...
According to Death Play writer and performer Lisa Dring, grief, in its most violent throes, can be so consuming that one who is experiencing it can hardly feel anything at all. Dring would know. Having lost her estranged father, beloved mother, and...
"My work is all about shifting from the literal to the lyrical, and it's actually a brain shift from one hemisphere to the other." - Anna Homler, on Breadwoman and performance art