In 2020, following the passing of independent filmmaker Lynn Shelton (Sword of Trust, Laggies, Humpday), Duplass Brothers Productions and Seattle’s Northwest Film Forum announced the Lynn Shelton “Of a Certain Age” Grant. 2022...
When Sarah, a no-nonsense molecular biologist at Columbia University, receives a call informing her of her mother’s death, her default response is denial. “There must be some sort of mistake,” she says. As the protagonist of Queen...
Los Angeles-based filmmaker and public speaker Ashley Eakin’s third short film, Single (2020), became a smash success when it premiered at South by Southwest. Single, which she’s now developing into a series for FX, follows Kim, a glamorous, self...
Supreme Short Films at Slamdance 2022: Top Picks in Narrative, Animation, Documentary & Experimental
Slamdance 2022 returns virtually for yet another year in 2022, with access to over 100 films for only $10! Streaming from January 27 to February 6, the 28th edition of the festival yet again commits to supporting independent, emerging artists. In...
Hosted by Three Dollar Bill Cinema and running from October 14-24, 2021, the Seattle Queer Film Festival goes hybrid in its 26th year. All screenings are held in-person at various venues across Seattle and virtually via Elevent, celebrating a...
Midway through interviewing Seattle artist and filmmaker Kolby Rowland, I notice that a building I have walked by a zillion times is now overlooking us, dangling a gigantic red and white sign which reads, “FOR LEASE.” Its upper two...
Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF) 2021 runs virtually from April 8 to 18 this year and features 220 films from 69 countries! Given its broad range, REDEFINE has done the hard work of sifting through the catalog for you, with a focus on...
Early on in Sophie Jones, a feature film written and directed by Jessie Barr, the high school protagonist says to her guidance counselor matter-of-factly, “At least I’ve been coping well. I mean, I haven’t been cutting...