Washington artist Justin Beckman explores the urban/rural divide through a series of works that showcase nostalgic Americana. Justin’s installations and projections leave viewers with the feeling of having just walked into an abandoned hunting...
It was the perfect setting for the classic food film, It’s Grits: a sweltering 90+ degree Sunday in a big tent, with everyone fanning themselves with their program booklets, in a venue called the Tobacco Warehouse. It felt like being in the...
Fuzzy little leftover childhood treasures get a fresh face, fur, and skin when Aida Gamez is done working with their rumpled, crumpled selves. Graphite pencils turn cute things into the type of cute things that are only cute because they’re...
With her newest series, The Babe In The Target coming on display at Augen Gallery (716 NW Davis, Portland, Oregon) this June, Eva Lake uses photo montages and collage to explore the role of strong women in not only society, but history. Targets...
Many Seasons is Bay Area singer-songwriter Kacey Johansing’s debut solo album. It takes the listener more through years than seasons, with a jazzy folk feel that sounds like something out of another classier time. It’s the kind of album...
Arguably, nostalgia is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you can take inspiration from some really great sources and mold them into your own image; on the other side of that coin, it’s easy to fall into the trappings of becoming a rip-off...
Head over to the Fulcrum Gallery in Tacoma tonight for the closing night of Monument, Troy Gua‘s current amazing show exploring the effects of war on, well, the human body. There’s also an artist talk going on tonight, which should be...
One can say, without taking anything away from Beach House and Devotion, that on their latest offering, Teen Dream, Beach House rove deeper. The tracks still shimmer and haunt, but something more tangible is present in the lyrics. From its...