Thirty years ago (July 12, 1990, to be exact), Northern Exposure premiered on network television. The six-season series depicts life in a fictional small town called Cicely in the wilds of Alaska. It does not shy away from the spiritual nor the...
Directed by Matt Lambert, Austra’s music video for “Habitat” weaves together three tales of human connection into one beautifully-lit cinematic narrative. Set in motel rooms that have been transformed into flowery love chambers...
"It was my career that facilitated me traveling more and starting to experience different things in my mind, [so] that I kind of realized that the trajectory I was on was not the one that I wanted to be on. I kind of did a 180 and had to get really...
Pure Bathing Culture first full-length record, Moon Tides (Partisan Records), reflect a number of themes of the indie underground like a crystal ball, that are easily missed or ignored with cursory reductive listening. There’s more going on here...
At the start of Our Children, a young couple frolicks about, madly in love, over-the-top saccharine, full of wordless smiles and child-like naivete. Soon, an elderly doctor, clearly a father-figure in the young man’s life, appears. He warns...
James Blake Overgrown (2013) Universal Republic Few artists are as conscious of their position in the music industry as James Blake. Seemingly spawned from the hype of music blogs and the irresistible “Limit To Your Love” cover which...
Squalloscope Soft Invasions Seayou Records A little over a year ago, Squalloscope — the second pseudonym of Austrian singer-songwriter-artist Anna Kohlweis — released her debut album, Soft Invasions. The beautifully composed album, which...
IN SHORT: “It’s not your average Black Moth Super Rainbow Album.” In discussing early album reviews for Cobra Juicy, Black Moth Super Rainbow’s de facto leader Tobacco called the album “the 1st bmsr I really got...