"... As a person, I just really love to dig and dig and dig... I like it when there's a whole series of layers underneath."
"I [would] just always go to thrift stores and just see these beautiful, beautiful blankets and stuff that were like two bucks... Now, the aesthetic has come into fashion, so it's kind of like, of course people see that stuff and like it – but when...
This year, a playfully untraditional MP3 blog called LYFSTYL and an experimental psychedelic film company called Synesthesiae Films decided to create Celestial Summer, a compilation inspired by free ambient sounds released by NASA in decades past.
"Handwork is not something that needs to be inherently feminine, and I like that idea."
Kvitnu is a high blood pressure music label, started in 2006, based in Kyiv, Ukraine. Many of the musical compositions on this mixtape are influenced by science, mathematics, machinery, and concepts.
"It's always exciting to enter new territory, having no idea what might happen."
Opening December 8th at Gallery Hijinks (2309 Bryant St.) in San Francisco: works by Martin Machado and Todd Freeman. The show is entitled, As It Was Before, and has a focus on artists that “use nature and science to reinterpret memories...
2011 is coming! To keep track of our ever-dwindling days, why don’t we invest in some calendars? I’ve got some top-notch calendar picks for you here… if you can call all of them calendars. Are some of these more poster-like than...