Based on the real life story of survivor-activist Chong Kim, Eden pulls no punches while following through with its dramatic premise of a young woman abducted and forced into prostitution. Jamie Chung plays Hyun-Jae, a first-generation Korean...
Belgium’s Antilux and bizarre songwriter Kirin J. Callinan command your attention with highly dramatic presentations and plenty of guitar distortion. (Callinan’s music video is NSFW.) Antilux Belgium’s Antilux are pulled...
Human trafficking is one of those things that it seems the world overall turns a blind eye to. Minus a few well-to-do NGOs and agencies desperately trying to create awareness, each year hundreds of thousands of individuals are illegally trafficked...
Francis Harris Sexual tension creates intrigue in Francis Harris’ video for “Pharoah In The Morning.” Directed by Lisa B, this video pairs perfectly with the minimal and jazzy contributions of Danish singer Gry and trumpet player...
Written and Directed by Athina Rachel Tsangari; 2010 Although I’m no Greek film aficionado, it doesn’t take one to figure out that the new film from writer and director Athina Tsangari is a strange observation on the societal and...
When looking at the work of South Korea’s 최수앙 (Choi Xoo-Ang — or Choi Soo-Ang, if you are to use a more typical romanization), one might envision creepily realistic human forms life-sized enough to hug and share sympathies with. It turns...
Our third-annual album cover art feature uses interviews with artists and musicians to highlight the philosophical, thematic, and conceptual significance of great album cover artwork. THE BREAKDOWN 12 Collage + 14 Digital Illustration...
Finnish artist Jarmo Mäkilä has some creepy artwork, but in the most subtle of ways. They’re creepy because they often depict human beings tromping around, completely oblivious to all of the animals around them that are lazing around, having...