Directed by Matt Lambert, Austra’s music video for “Habitat” weaves together three tales of human connection into one beautifully-lit cinematic narrative. Set in motel rooms that have been transformed into flowery love chambers...
Folklorists like to romanticize blues music as being a pure expression of culture, but recorded blues music was carefully marketed to its intended audience from its very beginning. As early as the 1920s, music aimed at African-Americans was labeled...
The narrative of Four Corners is equal parts Tsotsi and City of God, set in the sprawling South African ghetto of Cape Flats and following the people that struggle to survive it. At times, the dialogue is sparse and the acting is relatively wooden...
"It reminds me a little bit of my inner world when I’m writing music, where I feel... a kind of loneliness, a kind of melancholy, a kind of sadness. At the same time, I feel hope... I felt that this was kind of a very nice metaphor for this kind of...
"I think exposing kids to as much shit as possible is really important, just so they know it exists. If you only ate apples, and only got your kid apples, then their favorite fruit would be apples. But that's just because they haven't gripped a...
Over 500 destitute children are cared for by Scottish Love in Action (SLA), who fund the Light of Love Children's Home and School in Tuni, India. In association with SLA, Everything is New is an international outreach project run by Transgressive...
Regardless of your feelings about Palestine, A World Not Ours is a must watch for those interested in themes of landlessness, family, and what it means to be privileged. Through the narrative lens, we get a glimpse into life inside a semi-permanent...
"When I listen to Portuguese hip-hop, or West African music, or even punk in the US, I don’t always know the lyrics, but I feel the life that exists in the music. Most of our music is in Spanish, and we have played for audiences where Spanish is not...