Mother of Color (2022), the first feature-length film from Portland-based filmmaker Dawn Jones Redstone, explores the nexus of race- and gender-based marginalization through a day-in-the-life of Noelia, played by Ana del Rocío. A second-generation...
Portland-based experimental filmmaker May Maylisa Cat has recently released two spoof movie trailers that are well-timed for the spooky fall season, but frankly, cover topics that are frightening year-round. Diversity Boss, Equity Keep, and...
In the recent past, the term “new media” has grown to encompass artists who work in any sort of digital medium. Under that blanket term, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have been gaining traction in many techno-social...
In 2020, following the passing of independent filmmaker Lynn Shelton (Sword of Trust, Laggies, Humpday), Duplass Brothers Productions and Seattle’s Northwest Film Forum announced the Lynn Shelton “Of a Certain Age” Grant. 2022...
Growing up, Queens-based electronic artist Urner‘s first encounters with music highlighted the range of immersive experiences one can have. From bedtime routines of falling asleep to a repeating Hindu mantra playing on cassette tape, to...
A project unlike any other, Changer: A Hand Telling, is a shapeshifter which has taken on many forms. First conceptualized by Native artists Fern Naomi Renville (Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate) and Roger Fernandes (Lower Elwha S’Klallam, Makah) as a...
For the second year in a row, BAZZOOKAFEST 2022 returns as a free BIPOC-powered music and arts festival. Taking place at Jefferson Park in Seattle’s Beacon Hill neighborhood, the two-day event will feature an array of gender-expansive artists...
When Sarah, a no-nonsense molecular biologist at Columbia University, receives a call informing her of her mother’s death, her default response is denial. “There must be some sort of mistake,” she says. As the protagonist of Queen...