Go to the Roq La Rue. NOW! Their current body of art might not be all that colorful, but it is technically amazing and has incredible framing. *** Femke Hiemstra of the Netherlands can pretty much make anything look good. Shown above is a graphite...
GARDE RAIL – FOLK POP! EXHIBIT Garde Rail really crafted an amazing exhibit this time around, featuring a good group of artists with varying styles. The gallery did find them to be quite harmonious, however, and fit them all into a new...
Robert Hardgrave is a Seattle artist who is in the latest issue of Redefine. I stopped by his studio in Ballard one day to check out some of his new work and to drop off a copy of the magazine to him. While I was there, I fell in love with these...
The McLeod Residence might be located in Belltown, but it is surprisingly chill. HAHA. This evening’s major feature was a table full of Oreos and an exhibit where local artists submitted their artwork to folks from 5280 Lasers to create laser...
Currently living in Seattle, Jose Luis Rodriguez Guerra is an amazing artist from Mexico. Getting to his spacious studio feels a little strange as it requires climbing a set of crooked stairs, but it’s well worth it. Inside are Mayan and...
Every first Thursday of the month, from 6:00pm to 9:00pm, downtown Seattle has an art walk aptly called… First Thursday. Tonight, we decided to scope out the infamous 619 Building. For the uninitiated, the 619 Building is a building crammed...
This year was the first year that any Redefine staff members have managed to make it down to SxSW in Austin. We didn’t know what to expect since SxSW’s reputation proceeds it. Although slightly daunting and involving way too much...
What do you get when you put two overwhelmed magazine staffers, a few hundred bands, a shit ton of industry people, and a gay horse all together? You get Redefine Magazine’s first SxSW adventure! And though the weekend was a hot sweaty blur at...