In a powerhouse collaboration between Portland musician Dolphin Midwives and interdisciplinary visual artist aesthetic.stalemate, the music video for “Break” comes from Fisher’s forthcoming record, Body of Water, which explores...
In the animated music video for “Isekai (Accidental Spirals),” a hypothetical date goes so wrong that one of its participants would rather disengage from reality and fall into an alternate space-time altogether. Featuring music by...
Laraaji, whose name honors the divine energy of the sun, is a radiant personality who often plays up solar influences by dressing head-to-toe in a bright orange color, considered by Eastern yogis and color theorists as symbolic of transcendence. Sun...
Oh, North Korea. The mechanics of filmmaking are lost upon you, are they not? You may have read about it — which is why you probably attempted to control the script of Under The Sun and escorted the filmmakers to a number of pre-determined...
"I suppose with the video for 'World War Pt. 2', we were going for cheap thrills on one level, but maintaining cognizance of what a funny looking little dude could communicate under these conditions in a human and emotionally salient way. Maybe I’m...
"By creating a world intuitively together, by combining our imagination without compromise, we made a strange place. The mind is a strange place, sometimes beautiful, volatile and whimsical you know?" - Dustin Wong
"You're just a tourist in this fleshy-hell-party." - Gabe Darling, O'Death Member & "ROAM" Director
Like a subtle play off its name, dichotomies are rich within True False, a series of photographic works by Brooklyn-based artist Brian Vu. It's a confusing series, to be sure; first glances and even repeat glances make one question why each of its...