Early on in North By Current, a documentary by experimental multimedia artist Angelo Madsen Minax, a family of four slides into a retro diner booth four days after a funeral. As the mother tries to make conversation and the adult children stare off...
Hosted by Three Dollar Bill Cinema and running from October 14-24, 2021, the Seattle Queer Film Festival goes hybrid in its 26th year. All screenings are held in-person at various venues across Seattle and virtually via Elevent, celebrating a...
Early on in What We Left Unfinished, a new documentary from filmmaker and visual artist Mariam Ghani, a man in jeans and aviators strides towards a burning tank in the desert and throws a ruthless punch at the man who set off the explosion...
Midway through interviewing Seattle artist and filmmaker Kolby Rowland, I notice that a building I have walked by a zillion times is now overlooking us, dangling a gigantic red and white sign which reads, “FOR LEASE.” Its upper two...
Proudly known as “The First Home to Asian American Cinema, the New York-based Asian American International Film Festival (AAIFF) entered its 44th year in 2021. Running from August 11 to 22, the festival was presented with a hybrid in-person...
No Ordinary Man, a documentary directed by Aisling Chin-Yee and Chase Joynt, returns again and again to a black-and-white photo of a man wearing a fedora, a cigarette perched between his lips. That dapper figure smirking at the camera is Billy...
Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF) 2021 runs virtually from April 8 to 18 this year and features 220 films from 69 countries! Given its broad range, REDEFINE has done the hard work of sifting through the catalog for you, with a focus on...
From Lee Isaac Chung’s Minari to Chloé Zhao’s Nomadland, Asian American filmmakers have gained widespread recognition over the past year for their ability to tell stories that are universal. Running from March 4-14, 2021, the 9th Annual...