The 39th Annual Sundance Film Festival 2023 returns virtually and in-person, with events taking place from January 19 to 29. REDEFINE presents a shortlist of feature films worthy of mention, due to the importance of their subject matter, their...
Sundance Film Festival 2023 returns virtually and in-person, with events taking place from January 19 to 29. This list of short films represents our favorites out of this year’s nine short film programs — which include six focused...
Khu.éex’ (pronounced koo-eek; “potlatch” in Tlingit) is a 10-piece intergenerational band whose musical style is fluid, with improvisational prowess that allows them to span genres as wide-ranging as funk and hip-hop to jazz and...
It’s been over ten years since I first interviewed musician and interdisciplinary visual artist Jimmy Edgar – who goes often these days as simply JIMMY – at a hotel room in Seattle. At the time, he was flying all over the world, DJing world...
On her latest EP, Nine Spells, Berlin-based Italian artist Jolanda Moletta has crafted invocations which are dedicated to nine of her female ancestors, as well as herself as a child. The vocal-only record is devoid of specific words — yet it...
Portland-based experimental filmmaker May Maylisa Cat has recently released two spoof movie trailers that are well-timed for the spooky fall season, but frankly, cover topics that are frightening year-round. Diversity Boss, Equity Keep, and...
In the recent past, the term “new media” has grown to encompass artists who work in any sort of digital medium. Under that blanket term, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have been gaining traction in many techno-social...
Queer love is on full display in “arayemohenay,” a playful ditty of a jam by Portland-based pop musician Theresa Sweetheart. Shot on cellphones in vertical format, the track’s lo-fi music video serves as a mini-documentary about...