Directed by Henrik Ruben Genz Terribly Happy opens with an outrageous narrative the film claims is based off of true events. In a small town, farmers discover that their cows are sinking into the grass fields, because the fields are really part bog...
"If I get a little burnt out on the visual art and hand-rendering thing, I can kind of chill out and go into music... it's still exercising the mind in the same way -- just on a totally different platform."
With his most recent body of work, Adam Friedman combines traditional landforms with some truly interplanetary shit. His mixed media pieces initially come off a little like illustrations in a scientific textbook, but closer inspection reveals worlds...
Wrinkly old men and women in a primitive yet modern instrumental utopia? Loinclothes, bows and arrows, and BBQ meat central? Fever Ray / The Knife vocalist Karin Dreijer Andersson sings for Röyksopp’s new single, “This Must Be It,”...
"I feel like more people are discovering [comic books] and realizing that it's a medium where you can pretty much do anything. There's no limit."
Elena Kalis takes photos that look like snapshots into one’s dreams. She has three separate portfolios on her site — a black and white Impressions Gallery, a sparsely colored African-Carribean Gallery, and a hyper-colored Underwater...
With a style that embraces creatures as well as tribal influences and sophisticated patterns, Skinner is an artist who truly knows his style, yet never becomes boring. Skinner’s pieces, which feature everything from helmeted guards to...
Once upon a time, there lived a REDEFINE blog reader who had nothing to do. Skipping rope and Freeze Tag were tasks far too complex for this reader to comprehend, much less attempt, for Reader’s ass was glued to a chair and Reader’s eyes...