In February 2020, artists Anida Yoeu Ali and Shin Yu Pai, served on the Arts Innovator Award (AIA) juror panel for the Seattle-based grantmaking organization, Artist Trust (AT). The AIA is the largest unrestricted award presently available for...
In the directorial debut of their feature film, Borrufa, Portland-based artist, performer, and filmmaker Roland Dahwen presents a quiet portrait of the trials and tribulations faced by immigrant families in the United States. Poetically and...
When Moroni Benally signs the paperwork to run for Navajo Nation president, he giggles. Moroni For President, a charming documentary profile of his 2014 campaign, captures the high stakes of the race to become the leader of the Navajo Nation, the...
Despite Kadazia Allen-Perry’s youth, her cystic fibrosis has forced her to confront her own mortality. In her autobiographical documentary, Chronic Means Forever, the African-American first-time filmmaker provides an intimate exploration into...
Photography by Claire Finucane We are said to dream on any given night, even if we fail to remember its contents. For the inaugural performances of Arya Davachi’s immersive theatre piece, Rough Sleeper, a woman polls us before we enter the...
It’s tempting to think of SXSW Eco as the weird hippie brother of the massive music-film-interactive-free-vodka-was-that-Bill-Murray-and-RZA? festival. In reality, SXSW Eco is South By Southwest’s chic sister, just back from Les Ateliers and looking...
"I suppose with the video for 'World War Pt. 2', we were going for cheap thrills on one level, but maintaining cognizance of what a funny looking little dude could communicate under these conditions in a human and emotionally salient way. Maybe I’m...
Jax Deluca and Kyle Marler of Flatsitter discovered one another years ago on an Amtrak train, in what one might call an act of divine timing, or a perfect illustration of the “right place, right time” adage. What emerged from this...