Without lyrics, instrumental music often gets confined to the background, serving as an accompanying soundtrack to a movie or television series. Fortunately, despite having songs that were used on the TV adaptation of This American Life, Pale White...
"We knew we were never going to be the same band that we tried to be between 1998 to 2004. Back then, we could dedicate everything to being in a band, being poor..." -- Tom Reno
The path that led Francesca Lee to her musical career markedly sets her apart from other soft-spoken female musicians toting a piano or guitar. As the daughter of a Polish mother and Korean father, she scraped together money herself to attend...
It’s been just over 20 years since Juliana Hatfield started playing with the likes of Evan Dando and Blake Babies. The scene back then was new and different; “college alternative rock” was truly alternative. There were no iPods...
I put Portugal. the Man’s new album as one of my outside favorites. The Satanic Satanist is a brilliant soul-influenced album that really shows the Portland band is coming into its own. This is the absolutely bizarre video for the track...
New video for Foreign Born’s “Early Warnings.” In its ’80s-esque summery treatment, random plants, flowers, and animals are identified almost scientifically, but I don’t think any of them actually exist in our current...
DeVries’ Death To God might be titled like a metalhead’s dream, but nothing can be further from its reality. Beginning with a thirty-second ambient intro track, Death To God then explodes into the immediately engaging “Boys Are...
Animal Collective have just released a five-song EP entitled Fall Be Kind on the heels of their unbelievable smash, Merriweather Post Pavilion. Merriweather was a true rock n’ roll landmark. Catchy vocals atop electronic cacophony set a new...