School Days With A Pig is a film that begins initially with a delightfully cute premise yet veers into the territory of issues such as morality and death. Teacher Mr. Hoshi, played by Satoshi Tsumabuki, introduces to his class of sixth graders a...
Aw look, a cuddly widdle bunny wabbit with a blood-stained knife. And over there, a doe-eyed bear bursting into flames. Welcome to the world of Luke Chueh, an artist that has left us with warm, fuzzy feelings for the past few years with...
Eatcho recently sent us an e-mail promoting his new Threadless t-shirt. After some confusion regarding who he was (since his e-mail name was not Eatcho, but “Rilbo Shaggins”), we went to his gorgeously illustrated website, and just had...
To Write Love On Her Arms (TWLOHA) is a non-profit organization that talks to and raises money for young adults suffering from depression, thoughts of suicide, and self-injury.
Collections like Fantastic Parasuicides, which combine three shorts by different directors under one title, always manage to peak my interest. In this case, all of the three shorts explore the idea of “suicide,” and due to my preference...
“3:10 to Yuma,” a remake of the 1957 film of the same name, is the first of a few western themed movies to hit screens this fall. Its premise is simple: Christian Bale, playing downtrodden war veteran turned rancher Dan Evans, volunteers...
Norway, 2006, 90 minutes, DigiBeta Norweigan (with English subtitles) The reason the synopsis for The Bothersome Man sounds ambiguous is because the film is. A Norweigan surrealist flick directed by Jens Lien and written by Per Schreiner, The...
New Zealand, 2006, 87 minutes, 35mm English There is a new wave of horror spreading across the land, terrorizing and delighting film patrons everywhere. Catering to gorehounds and fans of cult-cinema, these gory-yet-witty movies have begun a...