"Capitalism drove our expansion westward, leaving an enormous human and environmental cost in its wake. However, the myths surrounding our settling of the west will have you believe something totally different, entwining these events with American...
In the cinematic music video for “Wine,” Canadian Chinese singer Carson Cheng — also known as KICCC (pronounced “kick”) — emerges from hot ashes like a phoenix and finds himself face-to-face with a white wolf in the woods. The dramatic result of a...
Thirty years ago (July 12, 1990, to be exact), Northern Exposure premiered on network television. The six-season series depicts life in a fictional small town called Cicely in the wilds of Alaska. It does not shy away from the spiritual nor the...
Some artists are prolific, churning out project after project at a speed that leaves onlookers wondering about their superhuman pace. Some have a much slower process — painstaking in intricate detail — and Eric Beltz is one of the latter...
In reviews for Kikagaku Moyo’s House in the Tall Grass, some have implied that the Japanese psych folk up-and-comers are simply rehashing old ground. Consider a sentence from Danny Riley of The Quietus, who writes, “The problem comes...
"We spent ten days crossing a thousand nautical miles. It was the first time we have properly been to sea in the open ocean. It was so remote that we wouldn't see another ship or plane for days, and yet, every time we trawled, we found plastic and...
Like leaves in the wind, a repetitive keyboard line flutters about on “Strange(r) Work”, as if to usher in the fall season. Though plenty beautiful in aural form, the evocative nature of Mind Over Mirrors — a project by Chicago...
"The most important victory was getting everyone on the same wavelengths as well as in the same head space to be able to achieve this video. Everyone understood that this was a higher calling that would impact the world in a big way... It was...