Swedish director Magnus Gertten‘s stunning documentary Nelly & Nadine (2022) is bookended by a triumphant black-and-white film reel of hundreds of women with fists in the air, kissing each other’s cheeks. In 1945, they arrived in...
In Through the Night, a lovely new documentary by first-time director Loira Limbal, daycare owner Nunu coaxes an anxious young boy to put aside his electronic tablet and be more present with the other kids. With a rueful laugh, she asks...
You can’t go home again, as the old saying goes — similar in sentiment to, “You can’t step in the same river twice.” Life is constantly flowing, shifting, changing shape. Sure, you can go to the building where you were...
"We spent ten days crossing a thousand nautical miles. It was the first time we have properly been to sea in the open ocean. It was so remote that we wouldn't see another ship or plane for days, and yet, every time we trawled, we found plastic and...
When Bonobo included Khruangbin’s “A Calf Born In Winter” on his 2013 Late Night Tales mix, he placed the strumming, shuffling, soulful instrumental between some late night ambient classical piano and his own “Get Thy...
Psychedelic electronic music lost one of its leading lights on July 20, 2015, when pioneering kosmische musician Dieter Moebius succumbed to a longstanding battle with cancer, leaving behind a constellation of friends, family, and artistic...
It wasn’t until the age of 22 that New York artist Matthew Craven enrolled in art school. Being untrained for years allowed him to create an artistic world of his own — and when Craven thinks back to his childhood, the message is clear. Like the...
An imposing wall of rotary dials, turreted by oscilloscopes, draped in spaghettied cables, emitting a series of creaks, groans, and unearthly bubbles, is one of the most iconic images of electronic music. These monolithic machines -- known as...