Heavily inspired by an extended trip to Berlin, Candide is the duo of Candice Strongwater and Adam Brodsky, who imported the city’s European sounds to their home in Brooklyn, creating a brand of dark and sultry disco that is equally inspired...
“We were... thinking about the ‘undifferentiated unconscious’ – something which manifests itself in any work and gives you this overwhelming sensation of eternal space being reconstituted. This quality, however you want to describe it, is something...
"Unlike Leland, Minutes of Sleep, is less a requiem, and more a conceptual look at the difficulties addressing grief within a closed system of representation, and moreover, the further difficulty of the push and pull between private and public...
La Femme bring their sexy Frenchness, Tei Shi pimps out her vocal skills to UK musicians Glass Animals, Craft Spells return with Nausea, and Hiatus and Shura get lost in an afterlife dust cloud.
Year four of REDEFINE's Unofficial SXSW 2014 parties finds us in Austin with some changes: one stage was whittled down to two, with unbelievably excellent results, and we brought in a new collaborator at XRAY.FM! The things that remained constant...
Mixtape download of our favorites in pop, psych & soul, for REDEFINE magazine's Austin 2014 Unofficial House Party, featuring Gardens & Villa, Supreme Cuts, Slow Magic, Diane Coffee, Psychic Twin, Tops, Tei Shi, Midday Veil, and more.
"When I listen to Portuguese hip-hop, or West African music, or even punk in the US, I don’t always know the lyrics, but I feel the life that exists in the music. Most of our music is in Spanish, and we have played for audiences where Spanish is not...
"[The] purpose of my glitch art isn't to destroy my photographs, but to expose the mechanisms beneath the surface, to turn an image inside out and expose its entrails, to invite viewers to immerse themselves in this seemingly undecipherable space...