Directed by Ivan Noel In Your Absence, or En Tu Ausencia, is a surprising first-time effort by director Iván Noel that emanates beauty in more ways than one. Set in a pristine stretch of Spanish countryside, In Your Absence is filmed amidst a breath...
From its auspicious packaging of cute cartoon caricatures of animals, it’s easy to pass off Heart to Elk by Point Juncture, WA (who are really from Oregon) as another cutesy album made by indie rock kids that have a knack for writing songs...
Singer-songwriters are very rarely my thing, because let’s face it; the majority of them are boring and seem to think that an acoustic guitar, a voice, and minimal songwriting talent are all you need to make it in the music world. Hence, my...
To Write Love On Her Arms (TWLOHA) is a non-profit organization that talks to and raises money for young adults suffering from depression, thoughts of suicide, and self-injury.
A journey to the sea sometimes is a ritual — an escape from the responsibilities and tribulations that lurk around every corner in the big cities. For school kids, a trip to the sea is almost a requirement for the perfect summer vacation. For...
Indie-prog rock has never actually been particularly “cool.” It has never been hip or in style, and it has always attracted a mostly male audience. And you know what makes an indie-prog band even less cool? Naming the first track on your...
"There are good times and bad times, and we write about both." -- Andrew de Torres
"No matter whether you're a gay or a mixed race couple... when you're drawn together, ultimately it doesn't matter what everybody thinks because it's so honest, true, and sincere. How can that be wrong?" -- Tegan Quin